
Dr. S.P. Lamabadusuriya

Consultant Rheumatologist

  • MBBS, MD
  • District General Hospital Chilaw
Rheumatology is a subspecialty in internal medicine and pediatrics that deals with the joints, soft tissues, autoimmune diseases and heritable connective tissue disorders.

A rheumatologist specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and therapy of the rheumatic diseases.

A rheumatologist diagnoses and treats musculoskeletal disease and systemic autoimmune conditions.

Unlike an orthopaedist, rheumatologists do not perform surgery to treat joint disease. Furthermore, the goal of many rheumatologists is to find the underlying cause of rheumatic disease and conduct research to find better treatment options.

The District general hospital chilaw is looking after the inward patients and conducting following clinics for the patients who are suffering from Rheumatological diseases.

Clinic Dates

Rheumatology Clinic
Every Tuesday
12pm - 4pm
Appointments should be taken from Rheumatology clinic every week day 8am-2pm
Need - Ward, clinic or OPD referrel letter to get appointment
Rheumatology Clinic
Every Wednesday
8am - 4pm
Appointments should be taken from Rheumatology clinic every week day 8am-2pm
Need - Ward, clinic or OPD referrel letter to get appointment
Contact number: 032 22 22261
Fax number: 032 22 23200
Email: generalhospitalchilaw@gmail.com